Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Holiday Season is Here!

Well, we are heading into the holiday season and I know everyone will be busy buying gifts, cooking, eating, sharing time with family and friends, traveling, or just sitting by a cozy fire with a glass of wine and tangling!  Whatever tickles your fancy and however you spend it may be it be peaceful, joyful,  and make your heart sing!

Twiggee by Sadelle Wiltshire

This a definitely a nature inspired tangle.  The important thing is NOT to set out to draw a thing, i.e. a twig,  Just think about the shapes ... don't fret if you lines are not straight ... just have fun with it!!  And, of course, turn your tile as you work and add more shapes. This tangle is like the  "Hollibaugh" tangle in that each shape goes underneath an existing one.

Here are some sample Zentangles I did using Twiggy:

You can see that I added leaf shapes to this one.
 The black background in this tangle is dramatic!

Notice in this version of TWIGGEE I didn't blacken all the spaces between the shapes;  rather I shaded the middle space.  No leaves in this one.

And in this Zentangle Inspired Art I used water colors!

REMEMBER:  The important thing is to just have fun!!

Some of my students this fall have done some absolutely exquisite work.  Please take a look at the "Gallery" page of this blog to enjoy the Zentangle art that Vicki Mathieu, Stacey Myrehn, Cathy Wahrenbrock, Jeannine Kechely, and Lynn Ratliff  have created!  Thank you so much ladies for your enthusiasm, sharing your beautiful art and inspiring all of us! 

The Zentangle class schedule for 2015 is set ... you can see it on the "Classes" page of this blog. And, I am very excited about a retreat for Zentangle teachers that I will be attending this coming April in Santa Fe.  Lots of ideas for new classes!!!  Oh the JOY of Zentangle!

Sending warm fuzzies to everyone ... happy tangling!


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's Pumpkin Season!

Love this time of year ... the weather is gorgeous, the leaves are turning colors, and the sights and  smells of the coming holidays are in the air!!  Have you been to Trader Joe's?  Just got home ... pumpkin everything!!! This reminded me of the pumpkin I tangled last year for the Artisan Store.  So, I started hunting for a picture of it and discovered I never took one! :-(   I wanted to put it on my blog ... well, I did the next best thing and went online and googled "Zentangle Pumpkins." I was inundated!!  Here's a sample of one of the "many" I looked at:

There was no credit given to the artist who tangled these.
Pumpkins are wonderful to tangle on because they have a built in "string!"  And if you don't want to tangle on a real one you can buy an artificial one in orange, black or even white!   I recommend using something like a "Uchida Deco Color Paint Marker."  This is an oil based marker with a nice shine -- and won't fade.  Beware:  "Sharpies" definitely do fade!  If you do tangle a pumpkin, please send a photo!!

Fall classes have been off to a great start!  Take a look at some of the beautiful art created by some of my newer students.  Thank you to Terri Jada, Diane Rice, Vicki Mathieu, Stacey Myrehn, Tamara Holmes and Cathy Wahrenbrock :

This is a mat board frame that Stacey is tangling ... what a great idea!

And what fun we had tangling on aprons and totes ... thank you to Diane Shamburger, Betsy Kosier and Nancy McNair for sharing their talent with us!

Just beautiful!!!  Wish I had gotten a closeup photo ... darn!!!

I did get a close up of Betsy's apron ... see photo below.

Gorgeous!!! Catch the colors ... can't wait to see  it when it's finished!!!

And just wait until you see the closeup photo below of Nancy's tote!

Absolutely stunning!!!

Jeanine Schmidt sent me photos of these amazing t-shrts she created!  Just fabulous!

You ladies inspire me and make your teacher proud! 
Thank you for sharing your beautiful art with all of us!

Okay, now it's time for this month's NEW TANGLE

 WINDFARM by Margaret Bremmer

Does this tangle remind you of another one?  Yup, it's a variation of  HOLLIBAUGH!   I used it in the ZIA below:

Definitely another fun tangle with lots of possibilities!

Enjoy the beauty of this fall season!

Until next month, happy tangling!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Tangling on Fabric"

is scheduled for October 4th!!!  I scheduled it early for those of you "Zentangle Graduates" who got closed out of this new class last Spring.  So check my "Classes" page for more information!  The tote bag or craft apron you create in this class make GREAT gifts!!  I just gave my girlfriend one for her birthday and am making a few more for Xmas gifts.  They don't take long to do and, as those who have already taken the class discovered, it is really fun working on a larger surface!!!

Those you who already took the Tangling on Fabric class will enjoy knowing that you can create a "Renaissnce" look on fabric by using brown and white fabric markers!!! (I'm giving this to my Aunt for Xmas. Shhhh....please don't tell her!)

For the white, I used a Marvy DecoFabric marker;
and for the brown I used a Marvy Uchid brush marker.  Both purchased at Jo-Ann's.


NYMPH by Melinda Barlow

Nymph is a "tangleation" of the tangle 'NZeppel.  And I love the depth and flower-like appearance created by just the addition of lines!  Here's a Zentangle I created using Nymph:

Well, I just returned from a beautiful trip to the "Land of Enchantment" ... New Meixco!  A paradise for art lovers.  And, as I wandered through one of the trip highlights, the "Millicent Rodgers
Museum" in Taos, I  snapped a few photos of some ancient pottery that I thought you Zentangle lovers would enjoy!

Until next month, Happy Tangling!


Monday, July 14, 2014

Residents of Tahoe Senior Plaza Rock!

I felt very fortunate to conduct 3 Zentangle workshops for the residents of Tahoe Senior Plaza this past June!   What a wonderful group of folks … and, what fun we had!  I taught them about the history of Zetangle and how it relaxes the soul.  We listened to beautiful classical music while we tangled, had lots of laughs and enjoyed each other's company.  The administrative staff provided wonderful lunches, and joined in the workshops, too!  I am so proud of the folks who participated as they created absolutely beautiful art!  Looking forward to returning for the 4th workshop at the end of July!

Here'a photo of these delightful folks!

From left to right:  Jim Rauer, Bonnie Clarke, Paul Dever,
Karan Sjolin (standing), Shelia Cooper, Helen Brookie, and Catherine Carter

And, here's a photo of the gorgeous art they created!


For those of you who didn't get into the 2 new classes this past spring, mark your calendar because dates have been scheduled as follows:

Introduction to Renaissance Tiles:  
Saturday Sept 20th OR Saturday November 22

Tangling on Fabric: 
Saturday, October 4 OR Saturday, December 6

Plan on registering with the Brewery Arts Center some time mid-August!  If you have any questions, send me an email at:

I had a rough few weeks with a very bad case of bronchitis!   Definitely not used to being off my feet and out of circulation for so long.  It feels so good to be well and back doing all the things I love to do!!  Will look forward to resuming  the "new tangle" feature of my blog this September!

In the meantime, I hope you are all well, enjoying the summer, and keeping cool!

Happy Tangling!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Newest Class: Tangling on Fabric!

Many thanks to all of you Zentangle devotees who helped pilot the brand new Tangling on Fabric class!

It was soooooooooooooooooooo much fun … and the results (though not all completed) were absolutely beautiful!!! Just take a look at the gorgeous artwork these wonderful ladies created!

Deborah Page

Susan Hanchett

Darla Woodard

Terri Edwards

Shannon McRae

Jeanine Schmidt

Susan Berget

Robin Clark

Peggy Pruitt

Kelli Wedge

Marti Cote

All of you who wanted to take the
Renaissance Tiles and Tangling on Fabric
will have an opportunity in September! 

These classes will be scheduled to run
prior to the introductory Zentangle classes, 
so that you will not be competing with folks to register.
In addition, if the classes fill up, I will run additional ones! 

 4 CORNERS By Barbara Finwall

I've used a variation of 4 corners on my tote:

This is a very versatile tangle in that there are an infinite number of variations ... make up a few yourself!

One of my students, Robin Clark, asked me to pass on the following information for any of you folks who like to tangle inside a pattern.  If you go to GOOGLE.COM, you'll see the word "IMAGES" in the upper right corner of the page. Select it, and then then type in "guilt patterns coloring pages" and you'll be delighted at the tons of great patterns you can tangle in!"

Please check out the "Gallery" page of this blog.
I've posted some incredible art that students have submitted!

Until next time,
Happy Tangling!