Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Thank You and Happy New Year!

As 2019 comes to an end and we look forward to all the adventures that life will bring us in the new year,  I wanted to take a moment to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of you for taking the Zentangle journey with me.  You've supported my classes and I am so grateful ... thank you!  But more than that, I feel overjoyed and so fortunate to know each and every one of you.  You always bring your own special creativity, friendship, charm, insights, spirit, humor, passion, and energy to each class.  All of this is contagious!  And has made me feel like one of the luckiest gals ever!

So as I look forward to 2020, I want to wish each and everyone of you your dreams come true.  May your smiles and laughter far outweigh the tears that life so often brings.  May the new year bring you and your loved ones good health and an abundance of joy.  And may peace fill your heart and overflow to those around you.

I enthusiastically look forward to a new year in which we can tangle,  create beautiful art, and share the fun and joy of being together!

Much love and a HUGE hug,EmojiEmojiEmoji

P.S.  Keep your eye out for new classes as well as a repeat of some of those you might have missed!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

YES!!! More NEW Classes!!! YAY!!!

June 25, 2019

I have been inspired, overjoyed and delighted this year by two things:
1. Participation in two amazing teacher conferences that have resulted in this new class line-up for the fall;  and,
2. ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL STUDENTS who have taken part in my Zentangle classes with your enthusiasm and beautiful, beautiful tangling!  So now, just for you, 4 more new classes scheduled for the Fall ... with 3 additional classes in the works!!!

Here's what's on tap for September, November, and December!  Full class description, dates, and costs along with links to register can be found on the "Classes" page of this blog.  But here are the titles and photo of each new class.

Beyond Renaissance Tiles ... WAY BEYOND!

Tangled Labyrinths - A-MaZentangle! 

Meaningful Mantras 

The Guilded Heart ...                                             and other "golden" possibilities!